If you have a problem with cocaine, you may be stuck in flight mode. Most of us have heard about fight or flight. There’s a good chance you may be familiar with the term, stuck in fight mode, which describes when someone is constantly angry, and quite possibly in rage. “Stuck in flight mode” is … [Read more...] about Problem with cocaine? Stuck in flight mode?
25 ways to refuse a drink
Say no to another drink with these simple tips. I often discuss ways to refuse a drink with clients in my private practice as a psychologist. Many tell me the pressure to accept a drink, or to continue drinking, can be enormous. Especially if they are at a work event and don’t want to appear weak, … [Read more...] about 25 ways to refuse a drink
How much alcohol is too much
As a psychologist that practices in Calgary’s central downtown core, I am regularly asked the question, “How much alcohol is too much?” My clients, for the most part, are high performing professionals. Some may drink too much for all sorts of reasons. … [Read more...] about How much alcohol is too much
Understand addiction to pain pills
Every so often, one of my clients will tell me they are addicted to pain pills. I have a unique background that leaves me a good position to help these clients. During my residency year, I spent six-months working at a methadone clinic with 300 heroin addicts. During my post-doc year, I worked at a … [Read more...] about Understand addiction to pain pills
Treating addictions: Sex and alcohol
Sometimes people ask me in my private practice whether they can successfully end one addiction but keep another one going. The short answer is no. An example I wrote about in an earlier blog post is whether someone can successfully stop using cocaine but continue to drink alcohol. The question I … [Read more...] about Treating addictions: Sex and alcohol
Anger and rage in adults
People who have experienced developmental trauma (meaning abuse and neglect as children) will usually say that they are quick to anger when I ask. They will say “Yes,” when I ask them whether they would describe their anger as rage. … [Read more...] about Anger and rage in adults
When you know cocaine is a problem
I have had clients tell me that they have a problem with cocaine, but that they don’t have a problem with alcohol. They also tell me they would never use cocaine when they are sober, but that it is the alcohol that alters their judgement and so they only use cocaine when they drink. It is important … [Read more...] about When you know cocaine is a problem
Monitor your intake: When you drink too much
A good question to ask yourself, if you think you might have a problem with alcohol, is how much you drink in an average week. … [Read more...] about Monitor your intake: When you drink too much
Prochaska’s Stages: How people change
James Prochaska developed “Prochaska’s Stages of Change Model,” which is a model that describes how people change. Psychologists use it when they are trying to figure out why one of their clients isn't making progress in therapy. … [Read more...] about Prochaska’s Stages: How people change
How to make and maintain effective lifestyle changes
I am often asked by my clients for help on how to lose weight, get fit, or improve their sleep. Not surprisingly, these are areas where people find it extremely hard to achieve and maintain change. … [Read more...] about How to make and maintain effective lifestyle changes