I sometimes talk about how far gifted individuals are from the norm when I meet with my gifted clients. I will share that “giftedness,” which is at the high end of the intelligence spectrum, is as far from the norm as is “Intellectual Developmental Disorder,” which is at the low end of the … [Read more...] about Gifted people are far from the norm on the intelligence spectrum
Many gifted adults discount their giftedness
Gifted adults frequently present reasons why they couldn’t possibly be gifted after I tell them that they are. They realize they are ‘different,’ but don’t recognize that the ways they are different are typical for the gifted. … [Read more...] about Many gifted adults discount their giftedness
Many gifted children struggle in the school classroom
Teachers are responsible for teaching children with a wide range of intellectual abilities in the classroom. Teachers therefore generally direct their efforts towards reaching children with average abilities, with the expectation that gifted children will not need special attention. … [Read more...] about Many gifted children struggle in the school classroom
Gifted children develop at different rates intellectually, emotionally, and socially
By definition, a gifted child’s intellectual development is advanced in one or more areas. This means a gifted child requires special attention in the classroom in order to develop optimally at his or her own pace. … [Read more...] about Gifted children develop at different rates intellectually, emotionally, and socially
Not all gifted children are recognized in the classroom
High academic achievement in a school classroom setting is the most common way to identify gifted children. However, there are gifted children who are not high achievers, and these children often get overlooked. … [Read more...] about Not all gifted children are recognized in the classroom
All gifted children become gifted adults
Intellectual giftedness is most often discovered in childhood because children are constantly in environments where their developmental advancement is being assessed and their educational progress is being monitored. … [Read more...] about All gifted children become gifted adults
Gifted children are sometimes incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD
Gifted children possess several social and emotional characteristics that are sometimes mistaken for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by professionals who may not fully understand what it means to be "gifted." … [Read more...] about Gifted children are sometimes incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD
What can you tell me about gifted women?
Dr. Barbara Kerr, a Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Kansas, is the author of Smart Girls: A New Psychology of Girls, Women, and Giftedness. Her book explores why gifted and talented girls so often fail to realize their full potential as adults. … [Read more...] about What can you tell me about gifted women?
Gifted adults are prone to workplace burnout
Little has been published on the subject of giftedness in the workplace and burnout, but I have seen evidence in my practice that adult giftedness and burnout may be linked. … [Read more...] about Gifted adults are prone to workplace burnout
Problems gifted adults encounter in the workplace
In the workplace, gifted adults can be perceived as “intimidating” or “threatening” by their colleagues. Gifted adults may report being under-stimulated at work, and unable to comprehend why their ideas that would lead to greater efficiencies or profits for their companies are not acted upon. They … [Read more...] about Problems gifted adults encounter in the workplace